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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pesky Fly

So?...we meet again you pesky insect
you taunt me buzz in the window and pretending to be trapped
i roll up today's paper and thoughts of ending this sound
ah your so smooth...calm and collect
back to work....BUZZ

You testing my patience I recently learn you know
thats it land there again and stay for a second
yeah i knew it couldn't be that easy
i would have no other way bug
yes i have gotten smart on you the cup is sealed

the problem with you and i is this is game to you
to me its a challenge i shall over come
Whack!...haha yeah nice rub it in
Mad? you ask...i would be a liar if i said no

im sure your friend didn't tell you about how his doom came
ah that's right hes gone how could he...
Oh yeah hes gone....the test of my patience i will win
that penetrating of the skull of the buzz is riveting
not one of my favorite sounds fly

i hope you had fun in the garbage today
i have the karate kid chop stick catch a fly in my head
im sure this would work
but, yesterdays sports page will work
yeah Carolina upset ole miss

nice try to harass me and make me lose focus
don't care if your a old miss fan
and no im not gonna swap at the lamp again
lost two bulbs on the account of your deceased friend
your not worth it

BUZZ.....more and more you try but you see i shall overcome
why do you do these things spreading germs around
do you find pleasure in it?
its getting old and im gonna not let it get to me
i see you rubbing your back legs...WHACK!!!!!!!!

(takes yesterdays sports newspaper section and throws in trash)

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"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-