Salutations. Thanks for dropping by and reading.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well it’s bound to happen and I assure you with all that I am that it will. Which in be in body, spiritual or even vehicle sooner more than later going to have to face this terrible thing. I like to speak of home take of this subject the first place that I had ventured out to on my own was not a five star by any means. I was a young man living wild hard and free. It was a constant party with no end in sight and I was living the American dream. I had very little money for things that were needed around the home. It was not a issue at all. Every night for two years running I had some one there who would bring anything from booze, toilet paper, food from where ever they had gotten off work to even lawn mowers to cut the grass.

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Yeah so what that was a run on sentence I don’t give a shit. You get the point right? Fuck it call the grammar nazi’s on me. Besides I’m in no mood for spell check this is taking 2 on this piece I got to end a bit ago and x out on mistake to check the score on the Carolina Game. I now reside in a modern subdivision neighborhood that looks like a modern day leave it to beaver residence. The 9-5 people I have learn have called it “Investments”. This term was foreign to me until coming here. Being the simpleton I am have always been one if something in the homestead has malfunctioned. Instead of reaching in my pocket to call a man to come out and resolve my issue. I find myself going to the local library or getting on the net to see how I can and must fix due to lack of funds.

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Being a hayseed has its advantages growing up I lived in a Home not a investment with a family. Yes post 9/11 crowd a family complete with dog and the occasionally family trip in summer time. We wasn’t the most high tech of family but we never done with out. I can recall many of days of chopping wood for the wood stop in the dead of winter no sense of the wood stove running out in the middle of the night. Dryer was not even mentioning in my home oh no it was almost like one of those fancy hot things that get my clothes hot. The iron was used a lot in these days. I remember the first time I saw a dishwasher was feeling like Crocodile Dundee when he came to American and discovered the men’s urinal. It was as if I had seen the future and thinking there is no way anyone can make that kind of purchase.

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Its all too common today how all these modern conviences has made us more and more lazy. We live in a fast pace society now. I have never been one to have any interest in fixing things around the house but I find myself now looking at the Lowes sales papers and saying “Wow that would be good if a nuclear holocaust was to happen”. I’m always thinking ahead and if you asked me five years ago id say you were ¾ shy of a socket set. (rimshot)

It is important to keep up your house, home or investment. I find Norm Abram to be a fantastic genius who in my opinion could kick mcguyers ass. He is a true artist in every sense of the game. Yet another thing I thought I would never say.

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“A house is a place to live while a home is for ever to shelter you”

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I heard this somewhere someplace I can’t remember just came to be. It so true in the “Investment” times we live in. Personally I would rather have a small house with a lot of land and call it my home. I’m quite sure I can and will one day have this structure of wood to cement my legacy and built memories of things for many years to come. “Investment” isn’t or never was in my vocabulary.

Pesky Fly

So?...we meet again you pesky insect
you taunt me buzz in the window and pretending to be trapped
i roll up today's paper and thoughts of ending this sound
ah your so smooth...calm and collect
back to work....BUZZ

You testing my patience I recently learn you know
thats it land there again and stay for a second
yeah i knew it couldn't be that easy
i would have no other way bug
yes i have gotten smart on you the cup is sealed

the problem with you and i is this is game to you
to me its a challenge i shall over come
Whack!...haha yeah nice rub it in
Mad? you ask...i would be a liar if i said no

im sure your friend didn't tell you about how his doom came
ah that's right hes gone how could he...
Oh yeah hes gone....the test of my patience i will win
that penetrating of the skull of the buzz is riveting
not one of my favorite sounds fly

i hope you had fun in the garbage today
i have the karate kid chop stick catch a fly in my head
im sure this would work
but, yesterdays sports page will work
yeah Carolina upset ole miss

nice try to harass me and make me lose focus
don't care if your a old miss fan
and no im not gonna swap at the lamp again
lost two bulbs on the account of your deceased friend
your not worth it

BUZZ.....more and more you try but you see i shall overcome
why do you do these things spreading germs around
do you find pleasure in it?
its getting old and im gonna not let it get to me
i see you rubbing your back legs...WHACK!!!!!!!!

(takes yesterdays sports newspaper section and throws in trash)

The Modern Age

Priorities in life are a fine line between the insane and making it. Wants and Needs are two different things and in the high tech 21 world we live is full of whistles,bells and things i shall never know. I considered my self a simpleton yet i do like my lap top and the convenience at my finger tips. Do i need it? well no...but its nice to have. I have lived in some extreme situations at times.

I spend the last whole year living with out a cellphone or even a house phone. Nuts you say?...well depends on who you ask. I have well made it to say. But, how many years did we live with out the leash known as a cell phone?. It can be done. I find it funny to watch people on a daily basis become almost as one with a cell phone almost as a extension of them. Are we becoming robots? Just look around at when you are carrying a conversation with a person now a days and see if that can't resist looking at the cell phones every five minutes. Is it me or is this rude?....Seems to me its either A.D.D or I have totally bored them with something that i assumed was of a value in telling the individual.

The future for me is looking as a never ending rain storm with flash floods in low areas that will over flow bridges and trap us. The modern age is gonna dumb found us. If anything is marketed right "It will sale!" while If it is real i know you "Will feel it!". I am sure of these two statements.

Call me old fashion in the mp3 age (even tough i do have massive collection) but the Vinyl records years are long gone and by golly i miss it. Its more of a novelty act now. The warmth of it is not even compared and the album artwork is big and you can actually read with out squinting eyes to see who had actually sang backing vocals on "Keep Talking" by Pink Floyd.

The modern age shall be our doom and turn us into brain washed A.D.D robots and its not going be long now. The past 20 years have grown technically fast as the Pergerine Falcon who has been clocked at speeds at over 180 mph. We are all doomed that is one thing i will gamble on and raise you 100 to 1 odds. Be sure to deposit more money in the bank.
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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-