The Voice

Salutations. Thanks for dropping by and reading.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dearest Meg White,

Dear Meg,

I never received a “Yah” or “Nah” on that date I asked you out on almost a year ago. So, just kind of wondering because I feel I am left in the dark. I am sorry to hear the band broke up but the music will live on. Funny, listening to it know the band was built around you. Please call…I know you’re not a fan of crowds so I made BBQ chicken and baked potatoes. Oh, yeah by the way I received Cold Miners Daughter on blue-ray in hopes of watching with you cuddled on the couch. I know you like me are just a huge a fan of the movie and the woman herself. I hope you are well in whatever you’re doing. If you need me I will be waiting by the telephone listening to “White Blood Cells” anticipating your phone call. I hope to see you again soon. Miss you!

Until then I shall remain Humble,

Jason “Mater” Robinson

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mater (brand recognition)

Allot of people ask. "What’s the deal with having a nickname "Mater"? For the record it was waaaay before that cars movie came out and hogged my entire spotlight. Being from the south a slang term for Tomato was "Mater" and we take great pride here in producing some of the finest in all of the country. It was around seventh grade and I was in the awkward phase of moving to the junior high school. It’s a different world adapting for now everyone is now no longer united. We have seven periods and a whole heap of new people who were from another zip code coming to merge as one. I was not ready for this at all. People who were my friend where no longer my friends. Everyone was scattered around becoming individuals. I figured it would be just like elementary school. Wrong! People where changing in dressing different, acting different and even smoking cigarettes! Somewhere in this time everyone had a nickname too. It was a way to become an individual and be known. Kyle Glosson who I am sure named half of the school one day at lunch said something that embarrassed me and he pointed at me and says..."Look at the face he is reddern a Mater!" It was all downhill from there. From one day I had went from a shy kid who kept to himself to an instant celebrity. "MATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I would get shouts from people I would never know. I recall going to the mall and hearing my name and once at the trash dump. It bothered me for a while but It got to a point where no one would know my name at all but know me only as "Mater" I embraced it and used it sort of like an alter ego or like Clark Kent and Superman. So, to this day it’s funny to see some of those folks I haven't seen in years and they come up to me and say Ohhh you wouldn’t get offended if I call you that.’s a Brand name now....It’s been a blessing. No turning back now.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The last Gunslinger (ode to Brett Favre)

It wasn't supposed to end this way. Broken down, defeated a disappointing and unexpected result to an attempted action to win a super bowl ring one more time and ride off into the sunset. Brett Favre was not the same guy who played the year before. The 2010 Vikings was not the 2009 season which Favre had his best season and seem hell-bent on going for a ring and proving all the critics who said "He's too old" or "He's too greedy". I have been a Brett Favre fan from day one he had the good ole boy look and attitude that was fearless for by the end of his long nineteen year career he led all time in touchdowns along with interceptions. He wasn't the most accurate guy like a Tom Brady or a Payton Manning but Favre didn't have teams built around him either. He was the Gunslinger drafted by the Falcons and traded to the Packers in 1992 where he became the town's hero with a super bowl ring back to title town in 1996. He was the franchise for the Packers and the face of the team. 2005 The Green Bay packers drafted a would be first round pick with Aaron Rodgers who would sit second string behind Favre for two seasons. March 4, 2008 Favre said he was retiring but willing to play another year if the team could get to the super bowl. Ted Thompson general manager had decided to move on without him and give the keys to the car to the heir-apparent Aaron Rodgers. Favre said he was "guilty of retiring early," and "never fully committed" to retirement. He felt betrayed by the organization that employed him for so many years and asked for an unconditional release to allow him to play for another NFL team. He was never granted it. Eventually He landed a deal with the Jets it wasn't the team he wanted to play for. He wanted to go to the Vikings so he could play the Packers for they are rivals and seek revenge and become the only man in the NFL to beat every single NFL team in the league. The year with the Jets was a fluke filled with a later scandal with a New York Jet intern. He landed with Vikings after retiring once again and this seem to be the perfect fit in 2009 he threw for 4,202 and 33TD and a Cinderella season that ended one game shy of the Super bowl in a game where the Saints just hit and hit hard. It was heartbreaking to watch. It was like taking ole yellar behind the wood shed. I assumed it was the end. Boy, I was wrong he waited to the last minute (literally) to play the 2010 season and from the start it was drama. He had played in every single game and not missed a start another record he owns by the way. The 2010 season every week it was something new and never a dull moment. Some folks started to call them the Vikqueens (drama queens) and wrote them off. I held on to hope to the final day. I really wanted him to win a super bowl and retire on top. The fantasy of him holding the trophy with his now white hair and stubble was tattooed in my mind. This would be the greatest sports story of all time but after a season where the head coach was fired, Sidney Rice the main target was hurt, Randy Moss was brought in and released, the head coach was fired, AC joint in his right shoulder, and throwing INT left and right but on December 13 2010 after 297 games the streak ended for the man who had a superman logo on his arm. He came back on December 20, 2010 to play at TCF bank stadium had collapsed due to heavy snow. So, He came back not 100% in the snow with mathematically the season was for a lost. I remember the first drive he led to a touchdown and I jumping out of my seat like Id won a scratch off lottery. He’s back I thought then Bears Defensive end Corey Wootton sacked him giving Favre a Concussion. As he was held up in the snow I could tell it was serious. My heart flat lined for old yeller was taken behind the shed and it was his last NFL game. Heartbroken to see the gunslinger, rangers Jean man, The Sears Commercial and a Season that shouldn’t haven’t ended this way end the way it did. Superman was dead. To add icing on the cake The Green Bay Packers the team who let him go and gave the keys to Aaron Rodgers won the NFL title. Heartbreaking, to see a man who I adore and loved to watch go out like this. So, Payton Manning is out.....ummm Hey Brett!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mother Hen (Ode to Mamie White)

A mother Hen strutting around with her dibbies (for anyone who isn't from the south that’s baby chicks) is a sign of unity for a mother Hen who cares for the needs sometimes in an overprotective way for her young. This was the case on Friday August 26th, 2011 when I had privilege of attending the "Highway to Hellbilly tour" at Ground zero in Spartanburg South Carolina. I had in marked on my calendar for months and thanks to Storm Taylor was going to the meet and greet VIP. Upon arriving I notice the park lot was more empty than Popcorn Sutton's moonshine still and the doors seem to be locked and just a few proud hanging outside looking more lonely than an motel bible. I got out of my 97 Chevy Lumina with hopes to another fan telling me "Did you get the email?..VIP has been canceled". I hadn't gotten the email but I called Storm and he said Jesco was Ill and looks like he wasn't going to make it. Now, I would be telling a lie if I said I wasn't disappointed but, everyone must understand that he has demons and is ill. Honestly, I can't see why anyone would be surprised with all due respect that this was going to happen. Thanks to Mick Minchow and Storm Taylor doing a bang up job of settling with the fans.

The first musician showed up Dan Deel and he and I took refuge to the local Mexican restaurant where we talked music and stories of the White Family. Dan's a great person and I wish him the best. We returned to Ground zero where I met the band Pick up the Snake whom all where great guys and far as a show is can't miss. I did not get to meet The Tremors or Beitthemeans which all of the show was great and thanks Dan for giving Spartanburg a shout out and learning "Dixie on my mind". Before the show begun I had the honor to get on the RV to meet the mama hen herself Mamie Savannah White. It was profound as I was respectful to her and introduced myself and asked if it was ok to do a piece on her and take a couple of photos. She said it was fine "as long as she gets a copy!" "Yes Ma’am" I replied. I sat down and listen to her tell of cooking for Shelton Hank Williams 3 and she pasted to me the Mason jar filled of Boone County’s finest.

I then soaked all of this up and couldn't help but think of her late mother the Miracle woman Bertie Mae White and how she raised so many children along with many strays and forgotten and how all of this now was Mamie's. I begin to notice how all of the "Hellbettys" took to her as her own. If you don't know what a "Hellbetty" is I took the liberty to ask the Original Hellbetty herself my good friend Shannon Corley "Hellbetty" Rosier and this is what she told me and I quote
"The meaning of Hellbetty according to me....the Original Hellbetty is this:

A woman that is tough, rough, rowdy and sometimes rude but never disrespectful,
Stands up for what she believes in, fights for what she loves,
may take a snort of lil shine, drink a beer or swig some liquor and have a toke or two
when it comes to handling business, she, without a doubt, GETS IT DONE, SON!
EVERYTHING SHE DOES.....SHE DOES IT HARD! and by hard I mean with everything she has!
We don't give up and we go with the flow, but don't cross us or you will have us all to deal with!"
That sounded about accurate and Webster dictionary take note of that next time your adding new words. Mamie was very kind to me and to all those around her. She’s a proud lady whom favorite quotes are ""Only the strong will survive and that's all." , "Coming into this world is nothing, going out is nothing... but at least the world knows who the fuck we are.", "I isn’t got no dollars, but I got fuckin' sense." , "The truth will stand even when the world is on fire."
She is a true outlaw in every since with a heart of gold. She is the mother hen to all the hellbetty's and I have nothing but respect for all she does. This is for you Mamie your god’s blessing filled with a since of the strong and you have many that love you for you. Keeping on T.C.B. and we see you down the road Ms Mamie!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All Arms and Legs

Nine years ago I was at the hosptial pacing back and forth with excitement and the unknown. I had been there for greater part of the day and all the got the news from the CNN ticker that one of my hero's Waylon Jennings had passed from this life. Meanwhile back in a bland white room I was expected to become a father for the first time to a son. “Its time.” said a guy with teal scrubs on. What happen next would alter my events in this life. A whole mess of nurses and docters and gadgets of things I shall never know arrived in the room like a pit crew for some champion racing team. It all happen so fast like the time lighting hit my mama's beauty shop. Some one left the televison on in the room and “Unsolved Mysteries theme” was on. Needless to say this was freaking me out now. Around 8:23pm on 2/13/02 Christain Wallace Robinson was born to the world. My first look was the mohawk of snow white blond hair. Nine years later we been walked through hell barefooted and back. We been up down and all around. We survived it all and live to tell. I'm impressed for his thirst for knowledge and story telling. Your a extention of me and I see it daily with the small and the big things you do. You and I have a bond that no one can understand. I noticed on your calender it said “My birthday & Waylon Jennings RIP”. You never been the one to be in the spotlight. Your thoughtful,spirtual,intellegent,and full of humor. I am bless to have you as my son and Daddy loves you with all the fibers in my ragged ole body.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Colemans Store (as i knew it)

On the corner of highway 150 and #9 right in front of the railroad tracks is a building painted notepad yellow with giant bold letters that read "Colemans". This Saturday will be the offical retirement party of one of the small town of Pacolet's greatest citzens Mr. Coleman. Inside the yellow building is to step back in time of an old time country store.

It is filled with everything ranging from cast iron skillets,produce,ice cream,fresh cut meat,check cashing,kerosence hardware,and what have ya. Mr. Colemans real name is Ruben Earl Coleman for many years I never knew his name. All the long years of hard work and his Iron man Cal Ripken Jr. like streak have earned him the title of being called Mister.

I recall buying coke in bottles there long before it was just a novelty act for big business. Mr Colemans trademark penqin like steps and heartfelt soft spoken "May I help you?" along with "We thank you for your business" is right up there with JC's "Call it!" of the beacon if you ask me.

The Town of Pacolet has gained alot from the store over the years and its only fitting to have a bluegrass band named RC and the moonpies to play at his retirement party. Ironically the same day the local "rival" grocery store will be closing its doors. Mr. Colemans shoes can never be filled but his legacy will live forever in history.
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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-