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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mother Hen (Ode to Mamie White)

A mother Hen strutting around with her dibbies (for anyone who isn't from the south that’s baby chicks) is a sign of unity for a mother Hen who cares for the needs sometimes in an overprotective way for her young. This was the case on Friday August 26th, 2011 when I had privilege of attending the "Highway to Hellbilly tour" at Ground zero in Spartanburg South Carolina. I had in marked on my calendar for months and thanks to Storm Taylor was going to the meet and greet VIP. Upon arriving I notice the park lot was more empty than Popcorn Sutton's moonshine still and the doors seem to be locked and just a few proud hanging outside looking more lonely than an motel bible. I got out of my 97 Chevy Lumina with hopes to another fan telling me "Did you get the email?..VIP has been canceled". I hadn't gotten the email but I called Storm and he said Jesco was Ill and looks like he wasn't going to make it. Now, I would be telling a lie if I said I wasn't disappointed but, everyone must understand that he has demons and is ill. Honestly, I can't see why anyone would be surprised with all due respect that this was going to happen. Thanks to Mick Minchow and Storm Taylor doing a bang up job of settling with the fans.

The first musician showed up Dan Deel and he and I took refuge to the local Mexican restaurant where we talked music and stories of the White Family. Dan's a great person and I wish him the best. We returned to Ground zero where I met the band Pick up the Snake whom all where great guys and far as a show is can't miss. I did not get to meet The Tremors or Beitthemeans which all of the show was great and thanks Dan for giving Spartanburg a shout out and learning "Dixie on my mind". Before the show begun I had the honor to get on the RV to meet the mama hen herself Mamie Savannah White. It was profound as I was respectful to her and introduced myself and asked if it was ok to do a piece on her and take a couple of photos. She said it was fine "as long as she gets a copy!" "Yes Ma’am" I replied. I sat down and listen to her tell of cooking for Shelton Hank Williams 3 and she pasted to me the Mason jar filled of Boone County’s finest.

I then soaked all of this up and couldn't help but think of her late mother the Miracle woman Bertie Mae White and how she raised so many children along with many strays and forgotten and how all of this now was Mamie's. I begin to notice how all of the "Hellbettys" took to her as her own. If you don't know what a "Hellbetty" is I took the liberty to ask the Original Hellbetty herself my good friend Shannon Corley "Hellbetty" Rosier and this is what she told me and I quote
"The meaning of Hellbetty according to me....the Original Hellbetty is this:

A woman that is tough, rough, rowdy and sometimes rude but never disrespectful,
Stands up for what she believes in, fights for what she loves,
may take a snort of lil shine, drink a beer or swig some liquor and have a toke or two
when it comes to handling business, she, without a doubt, GETS IT DONE, SON!
EVERYTHING SHE DOES.....SHE DOES IT HARD! and by hard I mean with everything she has!
We don't give up and we go with the flow, but don't cross us or you will have us all to deal with!"
That sounded about accurate and Webster dictionary take note of that next time your adding new words. Mamie was very kind to me and to all those around her. She’s a proud lady whom favorite quotes are ""Only the strong will survive and that's all." , "Coming into this world is nothing, going out is nothing... but at least the world knows who the fuck we are.", "I isn’t got no dollars, but I got fuckin' sense." , "The truth will stand even when the world is on fire."
She is a true outlaw in every since with a heart of gold. She is the mother hen to all the hellbetty's and I have nothing but respect for all she does. This is for you Mamie your god’s blessing filled with a since of the strong and you have many that love you for you. Keeping on T.C.B. and we see you down the road Ms Mamie!

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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-