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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Can't get to Heaven with out going through Hell.

It was the summer of 1978 Muhammad Ali had defeated Leon Spinks for the professional hea-vyweight championship of the world. Also, that summer would welcome the youngest of four siblings of Pollie Wisham Robinson along with Jeter Rick Robinson. Jason Wallace Robinson 5lbs were born on Friday the 13th nineteen hundred and seventy eight.
Fast Forward one year later to a birthday #1 for the blond hair blue eyed towhead where a picture of a son holding a black cat while sitting underneath a ladder would landscape a remarkable series of events to come.

The #13 has and will always be a recurring theme for soon to be young man known as Jason Ro-binson. Summer of 2000 a new era change was in the air. I felt as it was time to go out in the world and break away from the nest. I had found a rundown little place and had a job at a local seafood fish camp. I made very little money and would bring home food to eat as my money was towards rent and gas for my car. It was a hard thing to move out from my parents. I had moved out twice since then but was living with my older brothers on both periods.

This was it! There I was on my own scraping around and running on faith. Few, weeks in I ask a friend of mine Tim “Moose” Gant to move in with me as he was in the same boat as I. Two guys against the world and little did I know at the time of his friendship to become a blessing. At my job I had became friends with Matt. I didn’t know Matt too well but became to know him and would give him rides home from work. Matt had gotten a car himself about a month in to taking him home. So, he no longer need for me to take him home. I invite Matt over one Sunday to play some bad mitton on a homemade court Moose and I had made. He came that very Sunday with his girlfriend at the time named Ashley. This was to become an earth shattering change in my life even tough at that moment I hadn’t a clue as what was yet to come.

Few weeks had passed and ever so often they would come over to the house and play Uno or we would make a huge pot of spaghetti for me, Moose, Jennifer (Moose’s fiancĂ©e), Matt and Ashley. One particular evening Matt Arrived without Ashley. He looked as if he had experienced some sort of grief. I asked him if he was ok right off and begin to tell me he was not well. Ashley and he had broken up and called off the wedding they were to have. Told him I was sorry to hear and asked what had happen. Ashley had become addicted to crack cocaine. I told him it was for the best he got away. He begins to describe how she wanted to get him to start on it. I was in awe of it and never have been around or even exposed to that life style. But, I was on my own now such things are to be expected.

Yet another week pasted where I was awoken by the sound of a car engine and headlights
I was shocked to look at the alarm clock that read 5am. Terrible things were happing. I stroll down past Moose’s bedroom as he was sound asleep. I hadn’t a clue what was happing as I saw a shadow bouncing off the glare of car headlight this morning. I picked up a nine iron golf club to retaliate if I need. As soon as I grasped the golf club I hear a tiny “knock, knock.....knock” It was a gentle knock but at the same time a knock that would change my life forever. I flip the curtain on the front door to see Ashley on the porch and slowly opened the door. “Hey what are you doing?” she said so causally as to seem this was normal. I was in awe while asking what the purpose of this is. She asked could she borrow some money. I told her why do you need money and its 5am what gives? She then began to shake and then cry. I then told her of Matt coming over and telling me of her short comings. I felt it was my duty as a human to advise her to get away from this sort of thing. She said she wanted to and came toward me to embrace and hug me with both arms around my neck as I clinched the nine irons with more grip. I then took my free arm and patted her back. I ask who was out side and she told me it was a friend and she needed to go. She then asked did I have any money out of desperation. I told her once again that I would not give her any even if I had and I knew were it would go. She then griped my hand as I told her you need to get your life straight. She left.

As I shut and locked the door from this madness and walked back to my bed I felt sorry but I can’t change. The next morning Moose and I went to breakfast as I told him of the rare morning in which had happen. He too was in shock and knew of her on crack cocaine as he became friends of Matt as well. Fast forward to after work almost two weeks from the incident. I had worked a long day and smelled of fish as I walked to my car to my surprise to hear “Hey Jason!” I look around and she Ashley in a car with a guy and I walk over she tells me that he was her new boy friend and did I have any leftovers. I told them they can take all they wanted from me as I had plenty. She then asked could they come over and play cards. I said sure but I don’t or will not have any of crack cocaine. She tells me she had been clean for weeks since she left my home that day. We go to my place play cards for a bit and they leave. Two days later I’m awoke by the same thing from a couple weeks prior. This time it was a local cop (I lived out of city limits and she lived in another county). She knocks and I ask is something wrong as soon as the officer in the car sees me he drives away. I asked what was going on. She then began to tell me she was “walking’ (I lived almost 10miles away) from her house to mine. Keep in mind its 5am.

She told me she was still clean and thanked me for getting her clean. I told her you got your self clean I did nothing. I asked did she need a ride home. She said no one was there....too many question and not enough answers for me I ponder. She asked did I have something to drink and I tell her to get something out of fridge.
She then tells me she is very hungry and by her looks she was very frail and almost bones. I felt bad for her at the same time wanted no part in her drama. I told her look ill get you some food and take you home and I did. The next day she comes back this time with her mother and she tells me her mother wants to meet me. I soon discover that she is deaf. Ashley translated for us and I felt as if I was putting a puzzle together, a mystery that even the hardy boys couldn’t solve was marinating. Confused by the lack of what was being said her mother begins to leave and leave Ashley behind. I felt at that point that she was thrown to me. That day I had some errands that had to be run and she rode with me and we just talked and I begin to put more things together as I had no Interest in becoming involved with her. I felt bad but I was struggling in my own areas. I went to take her home that evening and when I pulled up in this horrible dirt ridden neighborhood I could almost smell the wrong doings and felt uneasy about my surroundings. Her mother came out of the house as a storm with 100% pure anger in her eyes and seems to be in the middle of an altercation with a shirt less man who became to me known as Wayne aka the moth-er’s boyfriend. It was something of a movie of pure violence. I was out of my element and then Wayne starts to point at Ashley and her mother. This point Ashley is crying and the mother has left in her car. I could not let her out there. It would be on my conscience-stricken brain that was now tattooed with real life demons. That night she came home with me and would be her home as well. Moose was moving out not because of Ashley but of personal reasons. I learned of she was in drug rehab and hadn’t gotten a high school diploma. For next couple of weeks I took her to her rehab and even found a program to get her GED. Still, even at this point I did not want a relationship with her. I felt as it says in the scripture

Luke 6:31

do to others as you would have them do to you.

I had not the means for such to be in a relationship with anyone. I had a big heart and felt it was my duty as human being to do such to help. Now, she became aggressive towards me sexually. She became pregnant. This was a lot on me at the time. I then felt in my entire heart ok the cor-rect thing is get a better job, better home and get married.

July 20, 2001 we were married by Rev. Bill Guy who happens to be a first cousin of Johnny Cash. Johnny Cash was and always been a hero for me. I feel as he talks to me and get chills when he speaks. I felt a little bit of Cash in me when Ashley came along. Soon I would discover she was not my June Carter. Ashley was really playing a fool to everyone in my family and even my friends.

I recall two different occasions that stick out leading to the wedding. The first being the night before I had to work at a little mom and pops Mexican place called “Nacho Mama’s”. I had two wonderful boss ladies there and the night before the wedding they began joking with me about marriage and all. Everything was happing way too fast for me. I recall after work that night sit-ting in my car looking at the sky while listening to Johnny Cash thinking “This isn’t going to work” but I wanted my soon to be son to have a Mom and Dad. I have been blessed with having both of my parents my whole life that raised me very well. Ashley on the other was from broken homes. It was a flipside the both of us. Leaving the parking lot that night I didn’t want to come home at all. I felt I needed time to ponder. I had a friend Regina who worked at another place on the way home. I can’t express how good all of the Mathis family has been good to me and I’m eternally grateful. I just need to talk to anyone and I walk in and I’m down and out feeling. She asked was I ready to get married. (She was the maid of honor) I had to mask it and say “Oh yeah can’t wait” deep down in I wanted some one to say this isn’t right. Still again I thought of my unborn son. I come home about an hour later than I normally did. Soon as I came in Ashley in a manic roar begins to ask where I been and starts a tantrum like I saw her mother do to her boy-friend Wayne. She accused me out drinking and going to a strip club. After many hours of get-ting the riot act it calms down. The day of the wedding I’m decked out in blue blazer, khaki pants, and converse all stars.
I’m ready to become a married man (sarcasm).

Still in the back of my mind I’m terrified no backing out now. My father had talked to me about not marrying. I keep thinking bout the baby. My best man Adrian (Regina’s brother) even hinted around to me the same. One of the biggest ones to talk to me was Ms. Nanette Finny who is a friend of the family and a wonderful person. We were getting ready to get married and my father was running late. She was to give Ashley away since her father wasn’t in the picture. Ashley be-gins to cause a tantrum and bad mouthing my father. Nanette saw this she pulled me over to the side and she said “I know how your feeling are you SURE you want to go thru with this? You don’t have to”. I never in my life was more stone cold frozen with fighting back a tear said “I got to” as she gave me a hug. From that moment if this were a movie this would be the filler of mad-ness. An incident that stood out to me was we had to stay with her mother and Wayne for a few weeks after being married to get in our new home. We both become employed and both were working long hours and had come back to one of Wayne’s drunkard riots. We just tried to get to the bed room and stay out of it. Ashley got in middle of it as I asked her not to .Wayne was also a deaf mute so I wasn’t aware of what was being discussed but, knew it was a hostile environ-ment. Not something I want to hear after a hard days work. Things become more heated as I saw Wayne shouting at Ashley and her mom but not at me. I tried to get him to stop. I got him to cool for a bit thinking the worst was over and I can get relaxed before work in the morning. He went out side and come back with a gun now; if it was loaded I don’t know. I quickly tell Ashley to get in the car and toss her the keys as I physically take the gun from him.
After getting the gun away he seems to cool down as I went to the car. We drove a bit up the road and called 9-1-1 and told dispatch about Wayne having a gun. They sent out two officers that met us at the top of the road. They asked was it loaded or not. I’m like does it matter? Upon coming back the place was trashed as the officer’s come in and looks as if the house had now became destroyed. Beer cans, trash, movies, papers, and a broken lamp of two was evidence of a bad night indeed. On the couch were a shirtless Wayne and her mother who looked exhausted from all of the fight sucking on a cigarette. The officer asked where the gun was and discovered that he was deaf. 5 seconds later Wayne’s mother shows up and snatched the gun right in front of the officer and says I quote “I’ll just take this....I left it up here” she chuckled. It was up to Ashley’s mother to press charges and she refused to. The officers begin to make a mockery of it as if “Oh well this happens all the time its normal” and told Ashley and I that two family’s can’t live together. I explained our situation and he suggest that we find somewhere to stay for the night. My mind is saying after tonight I don’t plan to ever come back this is no place for anyone. My oldest brother Scott put us up for the night and a week or so until we could move into our new home. It was a bit of inconvenience for us to get to work because my brother lived around 20 miles from work when we were just around 10 minutes from it. Small price to pay and I was willing to do. We got moved into our place thanks to Mr. Randy Mathis letting us borrow his truck to move in. Ashley had become friends with our new neighbor’s the Fertigs. She became close with the daughter Lauren and I became good friends with her dad Paul. Paul’s wife and he were on the rocks turns out she also was on crack cocaine. This is the point of the story were if you have to see God’s hand in all of this. Fast Forward to February 13 2002
(13 notice?) Christian Wallace Robinson was welcome into life with a full head of blond hair. You really don’t understand what that feels like until it happens I can’t explain you just have to see. Christian was named after on my mother’s side her dad Joseph Wallace Wisham and the Christian were from my dad’s side. Things were looking up in the life had a great job that was very close and Christian was healthy. Ashley had changed and I assumed my prayers were com-ing true. As Christian got older around 2 years old I notice she was becoming the old Ashley slowly. On August 13, 2004 Kaitlin “Miley” Robinson was found out to be due in the spring and oh yeah 13th btw. Ashley had days were she would lash out in angry even slapping and hitting me all while pregnant After being there for a couple of months. Tim “Moose” Gant would move into the home directly in front of us. We lived in a dead end road right outside of the city limits. So it was good time we had upgraded to a bigger home, work was well and everything was ok. Moose had married Jennifer and they had a daughter around Christian’s age and had a son on the way. In a way Moose and I were parallel in a way. It was a good time moose and I worked and Jennifer and Ashley both pregnant and watching the elders of the kids.
March 2, 2005 Miley was the latest to come off the Robinson assemble line. I wanted to have a girl and a boy. I was blessing with both and I’m grateful. But after the birth of “Smiley Miley” things were going to become a downward spiral of unmatched force. My oldest brother Scott was going thru a bad patch in his life and came and stayed with us for awhile.
A month or so into Miley’s life Ashley got a job at a local gas station part time on the weekends which were good I was off on weekends and could watch the kids. Upon taking the job she be-came more ill and bitter than ever towards the kids and me. She became distant and I notice more clothes and make up. With her first paycheck she got a cell phone with it. The cell phone would become attached to her at all times. I would get up she is on the phone, come home, go to bed and even wake up in the night to see her on the phone. Lauren Fertig would come over and they would leave with out me knowing and stay gone for hours with Miley 2 months old. She took another job with a man named “John” allegedly cleaning up houses. John had been rumored to hire young girls and pay them with pills and drugs. I never saw John but was told by Moose that he saw a guy come around the time I left for work and she would be brought back like 30m to the time I was to get off. Became very suspicious of all things that were happening. As made famous by rock band Pink Floyd this was “Another Brick in the Wall” about to come at me at full throttle. A Storm was brewing and the five day forecast wasn’t to stop it. Want be long now before I’m tore to threads. The beginning of the end had come now. On a brisk Sunday October 18 2005 I awake around 11pm to use the bathroom and notice no Ashley in sight. Upon walking in the hall I see dim lights from a car. I grip the same golf club I used years ago. And head to the door to see a local cop car with some one inside the drivers side while Ashley leaning inwards talking to the driver. I ask what the matter is and she said its nothing. I shut the door knowing that can’t be right. Why is a local cop on duty, out of city limits, talking to my wife? The storm was now upgraded and showed no signs of slowing down. Five minutes later she walked in to say he came to tell me they picked up your brother and put him in jail. Ok...lets stop pretend I’m not writing this and I ask you a question. Ok why is a local cop on duty, in car, on our dead end street talking to my wife at 11pm on a Sunday night? Another thing to tell her who isn’t of blood kin that my brother is in jail? I played it off put was racking my head over it. The very next day at work I called the town clerk and asked who was on duty last night. She told me it was Officer Kelly Beatty. He had been frown upon the locals in the town of being unprofessional. After work I spoke with Moose and he said it was him who was there he saw and asked the same question why he was here? “I don’t have the answers Moose” I told him in deep thought. “I play on getting my facts straight” I replied.
October 21, 2009 another work day had end and terrible things I would never know had begun at home. Upon walking in Ashley was sitting on the couch looking grumpy and almost as she had pure hatred in her eyes. I see Miley asleep in the crib and Christian on the floor watching TV with what seem to be a giant bruise on his forehead. “What happen to him?!?!” I shouted. She said that he fell off the couch but, we have carpet floors. That wasn’t it I was sure of. She begins to tell me her telephone bill had become over 200 dollars and demanded my debit card to pay as I examined my son’s head. “Has he been to the doctor?!” I said with fear in my eyes. She went on a rampage waking up Miley with her shouting. Her main concern at this point was her cell phone and getting it back up and running. I call the doctors and see if they are still there. I saw Lauren Fertig pull in the drive way as Ashley took Miley with her shouting “I’ll get some one to pay this since YOU can’t!”
My mother met me at the doctor’s office and we took Christian back to see the Dr. We all agreed that it was some force that cause his bruise. During the time at the Dr. Office
my cell phone was ringing constant. She found out we took him and even went so far to call the desk and demand she call me or she was coming to get him. We literally had to sneak out the back door to leave. I told my mom just go home ill take him off for a while and let things cool down. I finally cut off my cell phone and took him to get a bite to eat. After eating I called my mom’s house and she said I need to get there right now the police wanted to talk to me. This wasn’t getting to be the best of days. I go to my mothers and sure enough a county officer was there and he was very respectful and kept saying it’s my job to see the safety of my son. I as-sured him I understand he had to do his Job. I also told him my side of the story of what I sup-pose at this point had happen. He told me she was very upset and said Christian looked “Fine and there is no law where he can’t be with his dad”. He made a report and left. Shortly after he left my father called me from work and said stay there I’m getting off work early to come home. Upon waiting on my father my mother and my son was in the kitchen eating ice cream. I was on the phone with dad down stairs. I see the front door banged open like you would see on a movie. Ashley rampaged in the house I drop the phone and 17 year old Lauren Fertig who drove my wife and left my daughter in the car. My mother picks up Christian and holds tightly as Ashley savagely pries from my mother who has a heart condition of having one valve instead of the needed four. It happen so quick and I never seen a demotic rage in all of life. I got to the door and Lauren gets in my way and I physically move her and Ashley runs to the car with him and look over and my mother in on the kitchen floor. I called 9-1-1...they dispatched out and lucky the same county man who was there not even one hour ago. He said he could try and get a war-rant for her arrest but had to see the judge to obtain one. As far as my kids nothing he could do but make a report. He came back and said the judge deny it. My father came home to when the officer was finishing up the report. My father and I went to the store where she work and all around town. We drive to The Fertig’s residence to see Lauren’s car there. My father stays in while I go to the door. Paul comes to the door and seems as nothing is wrong when clearly my mannerism said else wise. I ask where Lauren, Ashley and my children are. His response was “She said it was swore to not tell” response was “Paul this is my children!” and said he was sorry to hear. There was something very fishy about Mr. Fertig as I left him with out expressing my feelings on his quotes. My father took me to my house to get some things to stay with my parents for the night and ask Moose to keep an eye on my house. Moose saw them come back later 48hrs later. My father hired a private investigator to watch her. A little bit of information for you when you hire a PI you get 20hrs for his services. So we had set up for him to watch for the coming weekend when she worked. October 22 2005 was the day we separated and two days later the P1 obtained video footage of a yet to be known heavy set man engaging in a flirtatious conduct and she eventually embraced him. Around the time the store was closed her mother’s van pulls up and the door opens to a cloud of smoke and her mother and what later would be de-scribed boyfriend Wayne. My son had diagnosed with Asthma one year before this.
The male who had become romantically involved with Ashley, her mother, and Ashley hers self all are smoking and passing around Miley who by the way had no socks on in the brisk of fall. Upon, watching this I never once saw my son. They all seemed to talk for around 10 minutes while Ashley closed the store. The male who would later become Brent Jason Yeary stayed be-hind and then left to go to his residence. The PI follow there and shortly afterwards the mothers van pulls in and Ashley gets as what looks like stuff for an overnight stay. Miley was also taken in the house and once again no sign of Christian. All three went in and stayed over night in the PI reported as overnight. At that point after hiring Attorney Grace Kine assured we had proven “ adultery “. My Father is got to be the strongest person I ever know. I’m sure everyone feels like that about there dad. I honestly don’t know how he does it. He is a great father who raised me well. I never seen him shed one tear in his whole life and to hear him “wail” was the most dis-turbing event I can fathom. It kind of put the situation in prospective. My dad took a whole month off of work. He was usually hunting this time of year this year was no different but the hunted was something slightly different this year. My father would obtain an encyclopedia of countless hours of video footage of constant daily coming in and out that included Mr. Yeary holding my 4 month old Miley and seeing my son Christian sob in the front yard of Mr. Yeary. I watched the videos after he would get hiding in bushes, trees and houses at some times 24 hrs at a time to get 30 seconds of footage. It was a brutal time for me and the family Ashley would let me see the kids on her time. She was making me think she lived at our family house but she had moved a friend of her’s in while I was maintaining the house. Moose would tell me of hearing my little Chihuahua bark at all hours and later found out it was placed and not feed in the re-stroom. So I kept the receipts and would buy house hold goods. We had a case in the works at this point. Our court date would be October 31, 2005 Halloween. We plan to have her served one week before the court date. A shock and awe if you will. One week to come up with a lawyer and one week to cook up some explanation for all of her foul actions. Few days before she was too served with the papers I had gone to a local burger place to get a plate after work. Upon entering the place look as if it was a slow night. My world had heard of no such thing no more. My family and I’s physical and mental states were working double over time with hopes of great things to come. Meanwhile, at the restaurant as luck would have this man born on a Friday the 13th I gazed across the room sat a one Officer Kelly Batey. I pay for my meal and walk up to him and lay my hand on his shoulders and could feel the cold slimy tingle up my finger tips and could have rotten my soul. He turned and look at me and I ask in a soft spoken tone “Hi...quick question Mr. Batey ...(staring him in the eye or the screen door to his vile core)...I’m trying to get my facts straight here...what were at my house in duty out of city limits while on duty talking to my wife?..You see Kelly she tells me you came to tell inform her of taking my brother to jail”. “Oh I was just bringing her a drink from the store” he said reluctantly. “Oh? I say didn’t know you deliver now....ill have to remember that....the thing is some one is not telling the truth and I’m going to get to the bottom of it” I exclaimed. As I walked away I felt as if I heard the “Misirlu” made famous by Dick Dale in Pulp Fiction.
My family was tore but yet was all on the same mind set and working together every day. Every-one was tired and beat. We can’t give up now. We had become Dog the bounty so to say. Finally after a full month of endless nights, not eating, letting chores go. We were a well oiled fantastic machine ready for whatever was to come next. My mother took the children out of town for the night so she can’t barge in and kidnap again.
My father and I stayed at his house and made the call to have her served with papers to our court hearing on Halloween. She was served at her boyfriend when originally she was to be served at her work. She had been terminated for being absents at her two day a week job. Also I should note that we were going to have said in the papers that we have her on “Adultery with other males (plural)”. The reason I say this is because we had her linked to 4 (possible more but 100% sure 4) males (plural). Later on the soon to be former Ms. Robinson would make this case a lot smoother for us due to her lack of truth with outrageous compulsive lies. She was served with papers at Mr. Brent Jason Yeary’s house with her answered the door with Mr. Yeary and his children in the back ground according to the person who served her with the documents. My fa-ther and I waited at his house in anticipation of a visit by Ms. Robinson. 20 minutes after being served with papers my cell phone rings and she says I’m coming to get the kids. I told her they were not here and became ill mannered and demanded to know where they were and I replied they were some where safe. Like I said we got them out in fear of her taking away again. She says she is coming over right then. We expected this and needless to say this trip would be the final trip she would ever step into the elder Robinson’s estate. My father is a jack of all trades, very smart and blue collard man. It really fueled him how she got away with busting in his home and getting away with it. We expected this and welcomed it this round. My father’s pride was violated and that was not a good thing for the former to be Ms. Robinson. The air was thin now...waiting replaying all the horrors....the long sleepless nights....I could hear my heart beating every single time slowly. Dad had gotten a solid wooden stick about the size of a half dollar in his hand. This time those rotten scoundrels won’t get away with. I could imagine the sound of a trumpet bleeding from the hounds of hell waiting for what was to come. Suddenly the mothers van pulls in the drive way and like a mob of roaches scurry out of the van. Her Mom, Brother, and an unidentified Latino are marching to the door as I have one hand on mace and the other on the door knob. “Where are the kids I’m taking them with me!” she shouted boldly. “I told you they are not here and some where safe” I said soft spoken stone cold stared in her eyes. They then proceed to invade inside. Like a bolt of lighting they were intercepted by my father with stick in hand and a rage in which Satan himself would have ran for the hills! The Latino quickly retreated back in the van along with mother as she pitches a temper. The brother and Ashley meanwhile were determined to enter. Unfortunately for them we had equalizers. The brother shortly afterwards was on the receiving end of a wooden stick and became a human lollipop. Rick Jeter Robinson had eyes that would strike the feelings of a viper that had its prey with no where else to go. The stick was firmly in as the brother held his hands high being put back in time out in his mother’s taxi. Mean while on the porch insanity reared its ugly head again. It was a constant game of ping pong. “Where are the kids?!?!?!?” shouted a now not in control

“Where are the kids?!?!?!?” shouted a now not in control ill Ms. Robinson. We assured her they were not her and are safe. We took the liberty to have an officer to dispatch to have her escorted off the premises. Many times Ashley said she hadn’t been served with papers and I have rights. The helpful police officer who had to tell her “Ma’am you have a RIGHT to leave here or your have a RIGHT to go to jail”.
The battle I’m quite sure was in our favor this time. We couldn’t settle for it because the war had just time to lose we have to get more every second was we could be working. On the morning of October 31, 2005...I recall getting up really early and walking on the porch and watch the sun come from the horizon and soaking up the fresh intoxicating air. I knew this was a big day. Walking back in the house I glanced over at my suitcase with documents stuff in over-flowing with evidence. Right next it sat the Halloween costumes we had picked out. Christian had picked out his baby sister’s first ever costume which was a sunflower and was to be super-man. I wasn’t even positive that I would have them tonight it was all up to the judge now. I’m sure many times Christian wanted a super hero to come and rescue him. Would today be the day that the Superhero would come? I sure hoped so. The anxiety of the ride to the court house was very high and no one was talking expecting the best but bracing for the worst with all of our open minds. We arrived and went in the courthouse and it was strange to see her with all her family on one side and all of mine on the other. This would be no regular episode of “ Lets play the family feud!” oh no....this was going to be a game where no rules and no winners just two kids that had no say so over what was about to happen.
It was fifteen minute hearing but it seems like a life time. (Inhales deep breathe) Here goes.....if we lose well we can’t say we did all we could do and besides this was only temporary. When the Judge walked in I heard ever step he made to the bench slowly penetrating my skull the closer he got. I took a huge gulp and the circus began. He looked at both of the evidence which we had to almost bring in via forklift and all she had was affidavits with every one she worked with along with some family members had written full of nasty untrue things about myself. Two stood out was a Brent Yeary and a out of left field one Mr. Paul Fetig. Mr. Fertig you may recall lived next to in our second house, he had recently divorced and I had even testified for him at his final di-vorce. It shocked me but looking back I should have known. I felt as if as if mind was molested.
No matter small things to the big guns we had brought on this Samhain. Mr. Yeary on the other hand had sunk to mental dullness. His statement had me in the mind of slow dim wit of the Pa-trick Star of the show Sponge Bob Square pants that my children watched. He claimed to have and I quote “No romantic relationship with her what so ever”. The honey moon for the new couple was going to hit a bad place by the looks of it. The judge cleared his throat after skim thru all the evidence and so begins with this statement.

“Mr. and Ms Robinson my man concern today is the children involved in this case and what I have gathered today is if I believed everything today I would take the children and put in DSS custody. This is two sides of the story.
I am going to ask guardian ad liter to be appointed for the children. I’m going to award the home to the father. I also am going to award the car to the father. The mother is to pay support and I want both of you today by 5pm to have a drug screen of hair and urinal. And I want that done today by 5pm. The mother will have the children every other weekend and on the fathers week she will have a day visit from 3pm-8pm. Now Miss Robinson your babysit Mr. Yeary children correct? “Yes” said Miss Robinson.
-Judge- “Ok how much does he pay you on a weekly basis?” -Miss Robinson- “$350" she said without any hesitation. -Judge- “Ok Miss Robinson I’m going to add that on to your weekly child support” You are dismissed!

There was a Joy in the air that was well correct and it was justice on this Halloween October 31, 2005 that is unmatched. I felt as if the “Theme from Rocky” should be played at high volume. Birds should have been set free from the confines of a cage. More Importantly Daddy was going to go home and take his little innocent children trick or treating and away from this legal monster that had mad a void.

It felt good but again this isn’t over the serpent’s head had to be removed. The celebration was cut short. This time some kind of normal had been restored in our lives. It was time to get back to working. My father helped me get a place at the top of the road very close to my parents making it easy on everyone. It was a nice place and I knew the neighborhood and we fixed it in too a real nice home. But Satan was working at 120mph busting thru all the roadblocks and ignoring the traffic signs. Satan you evil bastard your going to have bring your seven nation. God was on our side and it was a gift from god above and we cannot let him down at any cost. Fast Forward one month Christian’s asthma had gotten worst. I respectfully ask the egg doner of my children to please don’t smoke around the kid as they would come in after with her and reek of smoke. She denied she smoked. After one day of coming back from her place of time living. Christian was very sick and taken to the doctor at once. The Doctor had great concern for the well being of him and asked he be on oxygen and has breathing treatments 3 times a day. The oxygen level was like at 80%. Think for a moment 80%? Wow not 100% and 4 years old. We made a decision since the doctors office was with a mile from us we took him to the doctors every day for almost 3 weeks. The doctor advises me to tell the woman who used to be my wife and yet the mother of my two kids not to smoke around the children. I told him I can only pray that to happen as I’ve spoken many times on it and getting denial every time. Dr. Miles really went out on a limb and we are forever in dept to him. He was very concerned about this case. He even gave us his home phone number. Few days later a giant ice storm had the power out for almost a week. I contacted the wife and asked if she had some where with power for his oxygen and she told me they were getting a hotel. I drop off the kids and unload the oxygen tanks while meanwhile in the woods behind us her my father was as in cover hauls solid as a rock filming what was about to go down.

Again, I was assured he would be safe and left my sick son and my very long daughter to not the person I felt was a mother to them in the ice. Not even ten minutes later the boyfriend car comes back to that location. Little to his knowledge my father was steady rolling in this arctic mayhem. Mr. Yeary popped his truck and proceed to get out what appeared to be a kerosene heater and took inside in what would be the last he came outside that cold dark night. Terrible things were happing our emotions were getting out of control. Thru this all it was a gigantic house of mirrors. The power came back on the day they were to come back. No telling how many of these fumes my babies had consumed. Christian now was become a red alert for his sickness. Back to the Dr we go. 2 and half months later....I had a gotten a later Christmas gift....The day had come...we had a Final Hearing! Now we would really be able to wake up from this haunted nightmare. The guardian had come out and did his job and interviews the both of us. He was very sharp and no nonsense kind of man. From what I gather from him he was on our side. We gave him the truth and nothing but. To him it’s his job and he has seen it all. The day of the hearing was eventful as now instead of forklift evidence we had upgraded to cranes. Return checks from the guardian, Ms. Soon to be take back her name Inman didn’t take the hair drug screening and took the urine test 2 days later when the judge Cleary stated he wanted the day of the hearing by 5pm. The pas-ture in the soon to be Mrs. Inman seemed doomed. Before seeing the judge Mrs. Kine our attor-ney had came back with some wonderful news. She had giving up. She had nothing. We went before a judge and go the last details sorted out. It was the same as before and they urged her to play the guardian and get her support caught up quickly as she had been arrested once and had made only 3 payments in a year. Do the math. Wow this was it! It’s over...or was it?

Spring break of 2006 in the custody guide lines had been written for her to have the kids for the whole week. I called to speak with my son. Mr. yeary’s mother of many living at this house an-swer the phone and told me I need not to call this phone number again and hung up on me. I call back and told her sternly I need to talk to my son and she hangs up. Then taking the phone off the hook. I was devastated what how are they? What are they doing? What is this cult telling these youngsters I pondered? Yet again the almighty god put his hand down in this entire blender of a vile milk shake. Enter Jimmy Horne....Mr. Horne had been gotten some static from his new next door neighbors over a cat Mr. Horne had that was killed by a dog belong to the now infamous Mrs. Ashley Inman. Back ground on Mr. Horne...currently Mr. Horne was on house arrest for some bad judgment....and Mr. Horne was an ex-professional wrestler who donned a mask and was known as Bandit #2. Christian was all about super heroes and pro wrestling. By the power of the man Mr. Horne was Bandit #1 if you would ask me. God sent Mr. Horne to be the super hero to watch over my children. Mr. Horne witness Brent spanked my son, and Christian own “mother” scream and make him upset. During the spring break period around 4am I awoke tossing and turning with visions a Vietnam vet would have if I had to put in words I got up to go to the bath room and laid back down. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BA M!!!!!!!!!!! what could this be at 4am rattling the walls I scurry with tired eyes to open the door to 3 county police cars with guns drawn....A warrant was issued for my arrest. I was trying to soak this entire end it happens so faster than a turn four at Talladega. I was taken to Jail and booked for “Phone harassment” and I notice the warrant was signed Officer Kelly Batey from earlier in the story. I had felt raped. I never have had a more helpless feeling sitting between young men who are in for “Indecent exposure” and on my right “used a semi-automatic to shoot up a car” I learn from the paper after posting bail. Upon exiting the county Jail I had a vivid memory of getting out of the car tank top swimming trunks and sandals and the two officers telling me “it was the finest jail in all of south Carolina” and which I say “I don’t think any Jail is nice sir” while having Roger Alan Wades “Johnny cash has died” in my head. So now I had a criminal trail coming up and asked for a jury trail. I had lost my job for being locked up for 14hrs and not calling into work. Amazing the timing of things. I was at the local gas station and low and behold a one Officer Kelly batey lawn care service with giant letters of his cell # on it. I wrote it down and went home on the net to match up the #’s and wow talking at 3am? For 90 Officer Kelly I cut my own grass now. (Insert A- team music here). The day had come for my Jury trail and I felt good for my chances. Mrs. Inman’s credibility was down the drain. I had the phone #’s match where Mrs. Inman talked to a cell owned by one Kelly Batey and I had my magnificent pal Moose to come and testify for me. We were just out the door when the phone had rung our trail started in 30m. It was Mrs Kane my lawyer “No need to go to court Jason she dropped all the charges at the very last minute”. Wonderful I thought I’m sure the local judicial system loved to pay all those juries nothing. Later I found out she was scorn by the local police for doing so. Mrs. Inman was making mistake after mistake. At least she was consistent. Now I felt get back to the normal. The kids were healthy. Christian was back in private school which his mother never took him to btw. Seemed as if things would become full circle. Faith and destiny had one more plan for us. It seemed as Lucifer and God was arm wrestling and the devil with one last bit of venom left in the fight, this would be come the most vile one of all. I’m sick to my stomach to write. Ok so she gets the kids for a day visit. I had gotten back to another job and what I thought was almost normal. Came in from work that night flew home suppose to be at 8pm to bring. Tick tock tick tock.....nothing so I called I hadn’t called since being arrested. The egg doner had become the full demon that was so low and spiteful now. She informed me she would not me bringing them to me. She then later would drop a nuclear bomb that forever has scared me. “You have sexually abused your daughter for the last time” Snarled the she-devil as my granny would say, I never in my entire life see what I call “The red”. I didn’t like what I was becoming the devil was laying the smack down and not letting up. After I was hung up with I became a encage beast that rants and rages at the stars.

“He who makes a beast of one self gets rid of the pain of being a man”
-Dr Hunter S. Thompson-
I didn’t like where I was. I felt rage and began to smash at what ever was handy. I call 9-1-1 and tell the situation and was told if you have your papers an officer will go with you and pick up your children with you. Yes Ma’am I have many copies. 2 hrs later it’s almost 11pm. No sign of police....eventually I had to “meet” him in town. Meet up with office and I get out and start to explain I have custody of the kids and the “facts” and I have the papers right in my hand even high light even. He cut me off short and refused to look at my legal papers as ordered by the court. He then explains she also called 9-1-1 on me as well and being her call was the more se-rious of the two. I was if I was struck with a spotlight on display for a 3rd grade play with every one in my family watch then stuttering my lines. He follows to the officer to her house. He tells my brother and me to stay in the car and he will go to the door and go from there, my tea kettle was boiling over with emotions of the dirty “red”. Stay cool Breath this won’t hurt a bit. He walks to the door and out comes Mrs. Inman holding 5 month old Miley with only a diaper on this mosquito filled night. With her cold dead eyes and the tongue of the devil himself gently pat the back of young Miley all while staring back at my red fire eyes. She proceeded to say and I quote “He’s not going to hurt you anymore baby”. Those seven words she said almost cost me 99 years. So this is what happen she went and took them both to the ER and said Miley had been molested. She picked up from my mothers that afternoon and took straight to ER and didn’t change her diaper. The records from the hospital had 3 different stories and how they did not catch on to that I do not know to this day. Story one was basically I molest my own daughter; Story 2 my oldest brother Scott molested her. (Scott has a record btw he is only human nothing bad) Story 3 Christian saw me do it. While the officer talk to my former wife. A man appeared out of the shadows and it was one Brent Jason Yeary. He begins to heckle my brother and I “Get out of the car pussies....get out fucking pussies?” I don’t think he knew the situation. You know those angels and devils that argue on your shoulders? Well my devil had done an “Arabian Skull Crusher” on the angel. I also was replaying a story Johnny Cash had told about his daughter bring home a date and the date got huffy with John and John reply “Son I don’t knew you enough to miss you if your gone”. And Waylon Jennings told a guy once “I’m not going to waste my hate on you”. Mr. Yeary was pushing my buttons and I wasn’t going to give to him on his time. I left that night and never felt so low in my life. We had a DSS worker come to my house to investigate. I tell her what ever you need to do I will do it. I’m in AWE of this. She was on the same page as me and was very nice and didn’t bother to come in look around. It was maybe 15m and she had said that the future Mrs. Ashley Yeary story was absurd and false. We had to pay a retainer again for me to get my children back that I had custody of all along. The thing is family court was booked up 6 months and she can’t have them that long. We had to pay extra for it to be an emergency hearing to get them back. Still, we had to sit out for 3 weeks. I’m a basket case thinking every negative thing and trying to keep faith. Finally the day came we arrived early and met with my attorney. No sign on Ms Yeary.....I’m thinking amber alert or death. We go before a judge and still no sign on the eggdoner. The vibrations in my veins were nasty. Shortly after wards start with out her.....she arrives with mother stating “Sorry I’m la..... (Judge cuts her off)
“Ms Inman you have made a mockery of my court room.....can you have the children back to there father at 12 noon... (it was 10am btw)....”Possibly” snobbishly said Ms Inman. “No possibly to it Ms Inman....have then to him at noon no later or serve one year...DISMISS!”......we rushed back home and covered the porch with streamers and balloons and welcome back signs....all of this hard work had FINALLY paid off...she arrived at see my kids faces when they stepped out my face was going to rip out from the smiles I had....the whole family cheering.....Christian ran to me and grip on my leg as she brought Miley to my arms as she shouted the her first word with a Smile on her Smiley Miley face” Papaw papaw! Papaw!!” it was amazing the she devil said it wasn’t over and left and didn’t try to enter any of our life’s again. It was if Ali had knocked out Spinks some night back in nineteen hundred and seventy eight. This was it we made it and haven’t looked back since. Last year my father received a phone call from Ashley at his work. She was looking at Jail time for non-support. Apparently Mr. Yeary couldn’t pay his new wife who was pregnant with his child non-support and asked my dad would I agree to let her sign over her rights. Mrs. Yeary learn a lesson that day she signed her visitation and complete rights over. Today the kids are doing great. Christian had a tough time for a while because he got to bond with his mother. Miley on the other hand is a happy go lucky girl who will melt your heart. Christian has become what I call an artist. He doesn’t express his emotions in the normal way. He draws and tells stories and most of all he watches out for his baby sister. I had to write this to get this off my head I’ve been over for years. I’ve been full time 14hrs and 15m writing this and I want to thank god for giving me a mission to get this on paper for some reason. It was all worth it for these two very special children and for all the lives that was evolved. I feel free now. I’m at peace. All the best from the Robinson household.

The End.

Now playing: Roger Alan Wade - 10,000 Candles
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. thank you, Mater. this gives me hope and inspires me to carry on. you are a lucky man. thank you for sharing this and i'm glad you've found peace with this.


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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-