Salutations. Thanks for dropping by and reading.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Enjoy every sandwich.

I learn today that hyenas are the most fowl of all of creatures that in nature who areknow to devour the very offspring that they reproduce. Alot like my ex wife.
Today was a half full half empty day coming to full circle at the end. Awoke to a she devil the premise hissing her viper tongue. My zen shall not shed with i repeated. It paid off the rest of the day was showing the floor who the boss was and literally moping the floor while listening to Warren Zevon.

Today was also full of many great ideas...which many weren't so great i slowly found out.I read couple more chapters of "Hey Rube" HST play on words are gold. I being to look up Woody Creek Colorado and have a friend that stays in Steamboat almost 2 hrs away. May take a trip there in the new year. I feel its time to play catch up in things to do. 31 years now and the list isn't getting shorter.

I left a email for Mr. Owens who is currently in OZ Australia on assignment. I look forward to reminiscing with him. He and I are from the same Moon. Born one week apart from one another I being the elder of the two. Both are mothers were and are hairdressers. (Hairdressers don't pass away....they just curl up and dye. *rimshot*)
We have connections from the crib. Soon after birthday #1 he moved away but we were reunited in 5th grade became friends unaware of our past until it was mention by our parents.

We have both been labeled "free spirts" more him than me. I've only wish i have been a fraction of the places and things he has saw. I've seen plenty in the local world. Bad side of the town and the rotten core known as city hall. Ever notice anyone who has anything to do with protest and voting is some one who was been arrested. Being locked up and taken from your home and mentally scared by the sounds of "The Knock" of 4 county cars at 4am with an arrest warrant for you signed by a local cop in which your ex-wife had a relationship with.

No man should be taken from his home in such a brutal manner. This is his sanctuary correct?. After being handcuffed and THEN being asked at a 4am from your slumber by 4 officers with guns drawn at you "do you understand why your being arrested?" My rights hadn't been read but at this point i assumed to stay quiet. The warrant reads "phone harassment" signed Evil Fuck aka Egg Doners puppet.

After being told this was a fine Jail upon getting out of the car i felt my silence should be broken. Heck, what where they to do jail me. "I don't think any jail is nice" I told the officer who surely was younger than me and had a gut feeling he was gonna go to a local bar the next night get loaded and lie to his wife and meet some lady of the night in some seedy hotel while snorting cocaine that was "confiscated" from a drug mule.

They took a photo that even Olin Mills could not fathom. I was told to make one phone call at 5am. Then take a seat. Hours pass at least we had a TV that played "Cops" on constant repeat for 24 hrs a day 7 days a week and 365 days a year. I had no clue the show had that much footage. I was between two men. One was the look of drugs in this eyes who cackled alot. While the other looked as if he was in a robotic state reminiscing on what got him her at with me on this Friday morning. I'm sure the young man was piloting his next move. The other man on the other side was to be in the state of dumb. After 10hrs you have to have contact of some kind and decided the slow witted one was the best to talk to. I asked what he was in for and he replied "indecent exposure".The next day i learn the other guy on the left the robot had taken a semi automatic rifle to a car. I was clearly in the mist of a week criminal sandwich.

Your outlook changes when things like this occur. I'm not politic junkie. I think all are swine some more than others. I do support local elections if your planing on not moving. This is a good reason i can't get a good night sleep any more. My Fibro gave me a horrible flare today when the rains came as i crippled myself to my air mattress. The sound of the rain was perfect with the breeze of my fan. But, this dirty bastard had my legs,jaws,eyes,shoulders,and hands in a sleeper hold and i had no choice but to submit. I know for a fact i was there for two hours. Was i asleep? that is still a mystery drifting in and out i was.

I was awoke for my mother and daughter were to come over. Time was running out and i assumed they wasn't coming. Then the doorbell rings while the on duty k-9 gave the confirmation some one is here. My daughter had came in with hat she had won in a local Kids tractor race where she had defeated almost 30 kids her age in a race and won it. With 8 dollars between us we ventured out to the local grocery and fed the whole family on 8 dollars and 46 cents. Loaf of bread,Swiss cheese,Garlic and butter herb turkey chips yogurt and two candy bars for the kids. My son was at home sick from a bug. I made him one and place in a brown bag. I had spoken with him earlier in the week with hopes he could come and spend the night. I asked what he wanted daddy to cook him. He like me craved the turkey and Swiss sandwich as i have been for a long time. I feel as he and I have that bond of madness while my daughter didn't have to record these horrible things. So i packed the brown bag and told my daughter to tell him i love him and i hope he gets well soon.

Now its 351am football is tomorrow...this is an escape that is desperately needed now if i can only get lost in the games.

"Enjoy every sandwich"

-Warren Zevon-

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"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-