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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Traces & Tracks

I woke up once to snow once when i was a kid to a blanket of white frozen things that i had to that day never witnessed. I was excited to go out and explore what ever i was to be blessed with that day. I notice i was leaving Foot Prints others made "snow angels" by laying in the snow and moving arms with legs. This is a trace that something was here in this point and time.

The same thing applys to bathroom stalls,currency with notes on it,receipts,phone records,finger prints, crossword puzzles never finished in a crumbled up old people magazine at the attorneys office. Some one was there and this is the evidence! Being one who has done alot (ALOT) of private investigator work this sorta thing interests me. My father is to think for such as well being an avid hunter when i was little he taught me how to track animals from the foot prints they had left in the mud. I also learned which way they had came from along with what sorta animal it was with out every baring my eyes on the animal.

You can learn alot about some one from the little things if you just sit and think about it. These "traces" left behind good or bad tells stories....true stories. The bathroom stall is always interesting place filled with messages of vulgarity and even some funny jokes. I thought why not say some nice things so i'm taking upon self to leave a nice message writing on the next paper towel in a public rest room saying "Have a nice day! now wash your hands! :)"

Oh to be a fly on that wall. So next time you throw away a receipt,walk and track mud in the house, or even leave out the cross word puzzle you been working on forever. Think how evolution has changed of that and if you don't like it or you are hiding something you must destroy it immediately!


Now playing: Nirvana - Aneurysm
via FoxyTunes

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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-