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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mater (brand recognition)

Allot of people ask. "What’s the deal with having a nickname "Mater"? For the record it was waaaay before that cars movie came out and hogged my entire spotlight. Being from the south a slang term for Tomato was "Mater" and we take great pride here in producing some of the finest in all of the country. It was around seventh grade and I was in the awkward phase of moving to the junior high school. It’s a different world adapting for now everyone is now no longer united. We have seven periods and a whole heap of new people who were from another zip code coming to merge as one. I was not ready for this at all. People who were my friend where no longer my friends. Everyone was scattered around becoming individuals. I figured it would be just like elementary school. Wrong! People where changing in dressing different, acting different and even smoking cigarettes! Somewhere in this time everyone had a nickname too. It was a way to become an individual and be known. Kyle Glosson who I am sure named half of the school one day at lunch said something that embarrassed me and he pointed at me and says..."Look at the face he is reddern a Mater!" It was all downhill from there. From one day I had went from a shy kid who kept to himself to an instant celebrity. "MATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I would get shouts from people I would never know. I recall going to the mall and hearing my name and once at the trash dump. It bothered me for a while but It got to a point where no one would know my name at all but know me only as "Mater" I embraced it and used it sort of like an alter ego or like Clark Kent and Superman. So, to this day it’s funny to see some of those folks I haven't seen in years and they come up to me and say Ohhh you wouldn’t get offended if I call you that.’s a Brand name now....It’s been a blessing. No turning back now.

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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-