Salutations. Thanks for dropping by and reading.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All Arms and Legs

Nine years ago I was at the hosptial pacing back and forth with excitement and the unknown. I had been there for greater part of the day and all the got the news from the CNN ticker that one of my hero's Waylon Jennings had passed from this life. Meanwhile back in a bland white room I was expected to become a father for the first time to a son. “Its time.” said a guy with teal scrubs on. What happen next would alter my events in this life. A whole mess of nurses and docters and gadgets of things I shall never know arrived in the room like a pit crew for some champion racing team. It all happen so fast like the time lighting hit my mama's beauty shop. Some one left the televison on in the room and “Unsolved Mysteries theme” was on. Needless to say this was freaking me out now. Around 8:23pm on 2/13/02 Christain Wallace Robinson was born to the world. My first look was the mohawk of snow white blond hair. Nine years later we been walked through hell barefooted and back. We been up down and all around. We survived it all and live to tell. I'm impressed for his thirst for knowledge and story telling. Your a extention of me and I see it daily with the small and the big things you do. You and I have a bond that no one can understand. I noticed on your calender it said “My birthday & Waylon Jennings RIP”. You never been the one to be in the spotlight. Your thoughtful,spirtual,intellegent,and full of humor. I am bless to have you as my son and Daddy loves you with all the fibers in my ragged ole body.

Happy Birthday!!!!

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Spartanburg, SC, United States
"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-