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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pack up the Tools and Get out!

The Economy has effected everyone that's a fact. I have seen it everyday and am thankful to have a little job even though it doesn't pay much but its a job. My dad to me has and will always be superman who can "Do no wrong". Everyday for the past 32 years he has gotten up at the break of dawn while most are deep in slumber to support his family. Dad is a hardcore blue collar filled with pride. He is the one that if one of his legs were chopped off he would find away around it and get back to work. He and I haven't been so close over the years. He has his ways in a very strict way but at the end of day he is fair.

Dad's life has been filled with promise but not with out fights. He was raised by his grandmother on the Great Tyger River and never knew his father. Later on my mom being a jack of all trades in the category of "finding people" found dad's dad and turns out he was spitting image of him. He was a gold gloves boxer in the Military which is like almost champion of the world status. He was killed in World War 2 and news of his finding my father could care less. Must understand my dad is a private person and a machine when he is in the zone. I have the upmost respect for him. He is a reassurance man who has done it all from building things to panning for gold. He taught me about nature and shooting guns growing up.

After dad got out of military he married my mother shortly afterward and had 3 boys with her. I being the youngest of the 3. He took a job at a local textile plant and has been there for as long as I can remember. I have seen the company get bought out time and time again but dad has always been the last man standing. He worked his way up to a head maintenance man complete with office,internet,phone to call anywhere in world,personal fridge and microwave and even a roll out bed. He worked way to the top there is no denying it.

The end of the summer of this year it was announced that the company and plant was shutting down for good. I knew of a day of him retiring would come but it was like Haley's comet and thought that day wouldn't come in my lifetime. The day before Thanksgiving was my dad's last day of work. He stayed on longer than most did. He said he watched almost all with exceptions of some bosses people who had grown to family go out the door crying with worry. So, on Thanksgiving I saw dad for the first time in months and I know wasn't expecting "I missed you son" or "I'm down son" but I saw the "Down" in his mannerisms and his worried eyes. Dad is one to always do something and this has to be traumatic to him. The financial part of it isn't a issue. He will be fine there. He is one to "If you aren't are not living". Only imagine how his last day was loading up his tool box on the truck and turning in his badge. I fear he will go crazy over this but time will tell. Never know never know.

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"High Powered Mutant not even considered for mass production...too weird to live and too rare to of God's own prototypes...good American too" -Hunter S. Thompson-